Though ageing is the most natural and inevitable process… Still we hate it, especially we ladies. Okay, we cannot stop or delay ageing, but we can at least delay the appearance of signs of ageing, and so we keep looking for anti ageing remedies. I have actually seen ladies who are in there fifties, and yet do not look older than 35 years (if they dye their hair black).
What do we mean by signs of ageing and anti-ageing?
Although signs of ageing are experienced by all the parts and organs of our body, but here we are only talking about skin. Appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on skin is the sign of ageing, and anti-ageing means preventing/removing these wrinkles and fine lines from the skin.
Earlier, the ladies used to enjoy youthful skin till their forties, thanks to their healthy eating and lifestyle, but now, ageing of skin starts as early as 30 or even 28 due to stress, pollution, chemicals and unhealthy eating. Thankfully, our mother nature has given us a few things that if included in our skin care regimen, are capable of delaying of skin ageing.
Again, long lists are available but are so exhausting. So I did a lot of research and short listed the most potent ones. I tried a few of them on myself too. And though I did not have signs of ageing, I could feel the positive effects on my skin and skin looked healthier and younger.
Let’s have a look what are they:
Derma roller

I swear by the efficiency of a Derma Roller as anti-ageing agent. I have already written a detailed post on derma roller. So I am skipping giving the details here. Please read the complete post on Derma Roller and know how amazingly it works against fine lines and wrinkles.
Argan oil

Argan oil is long used, yet less known anti-ageing agent.
Argan oil has essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is very efficient in increasing the elasticity of skin. More elasticity in skin means less wrinkles and less fine lines.
These days, you can easily find argan oil in usual grocery, cosmetics, medical and ayurvedic stores.
Star anise

Star anise, known as Chakraphool in hindi, is an amazing spice used in cooking and is known for its aroma and flavor. In addition to this, it is a wonderful anti-ageing ingredient too.
Star anise contains Anethole which very effectively detoxifies the skin. It also contains Tannins which help in tightening of skin making it look healthy and smooth. Due to its strong tightening effects, star anise may even prevent/treat sagging of skin below eyes and sides of the mouth.
Star anise also has anti-oxidant properties which reduce oxidative stress thus delaying ageing of skin.
So go and buy a lot of star anise today. Start including it in your recipes as well as start using it on your skin. Make a powder of it and apply as a face pack. You can also apply and use star anise oil to massage your face with.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a known Anti-oxidant, and everyone knows the benefits of anti-oxidants for anti-ageing. With its strong anti-oxidant properties, it helps preventing oxidative damage, sun damage, and ageing of skin. In addition, it boosts collage production in skin.
Vitamin C also gets you rid of the hyper-pigmentation patches (yes it does), further making your skin look healthier and younger.
You should intake as well as apply vitamin C on your face. For intake, Limcee is a tablet available in the market and very commonly used. It is really cheap and reportedly a good one, but I have not used it. I have used Escor-Z from and they have given me amazing results (not sponsored). Escor-Z is a little expensive but results oriented. You can use any (and let me also know the results). (Disclaimer: Please consult your dermatologist before popping up any pills).
For applying on skin, many suggest crushing Limcee and applying, but I doubt its efficacy as a topical agent. I prefer Goose Berry (Amla) powder to be applied as a source of Vitamin C. Amla is an extremely rich source of Vitamin C and applying amla powder fulfills your skin’s need of vitamin C.
For intake also, you should prefer eating amla (if you can) over any marketed vitamin C tablet.
Other sources of Vitamin C can be Lemon juice and Lemon Essential Oil (only for topical application), Orange juice and orange peel powder, strawberries etc.
Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another Vitamin for skin. It also has anti-oxidant properties. And it has amazing collagen producing abilities.
Vitamin E capsules are easily available in the market. The oil in the capsule can be squeezed out and applied on skin.
These capsules can be ingested also, but natural sources of Vitamin E should be preferred for intake. Walnuts and almonds are rich sources of Vitamin E.

As stated above, almonds are rich in Vitamin E.
Other than that, Almonds are also rich in….. I don’t know what, but my skin has had amazing experience with Almonds. Read my post 3 best beauty DIYs to know how.
Use almond paste and/or almond oil to get a glowing, flawless and younger looking skin.

Regularly massaging the face/skin gives incredible anti-ageing effects. By massaging, the blood circulation improves, thus more blood reaches the skin. More blood means more oxygen, and more oxygen means more life. So, the skin becomes healthier and less dull.
Massage also tones the muscles and produces more proteins in the skin. Moreover, by massaging, you can improve the penetration of a product into the skin. So combine massage with any of the above products, such as argan oil or almond oil, and see the age of your skin decreasing. Massaging for only 2-3 minutes daily will produce visible difference.

Our favorite ginger (in tea) is surprisingly helpful in anti-ageing also. Ginger contains Gingerol which is a strong antioxidant and prevent collagen breakdown thus preventing ageing of the skin.
Intake ginger by boiling ginger in water (and adding more ingredients as per your taste) and sipping it. For application, add 3-4 drops of ginger juice in your face pack.
Green Tea

Green tea deserves all the hype that it has created in past couple of years. It has strong anti-oxidant properties which are good for health, as well as as skin.
Include green tea in your daily diet to benefit from its antioxidants.
For application, simply use green tea (water) in your face packs.
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Also Read the very effective remedies for dry skin
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